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What Lies Under The Ground Beneath Your Feet?


What Lies Under The Ground Under Your Feet? takes use of a tool kit to work towards its goal.

The tool kit is composed of 5 tools: TARP, MAT, POUCHES, LISTENING DEVICE, and MAP.

These tools take use of material semiotics and the juxtaposition between natural and manufactured materials that relate to water.

Every tool is to be used in collaboration, needing at least 2 people.

There are 2 kinds of tools: the ones which compose the mobile space, and the ones which support the workshops and activities.


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TARP and MAT compose the space, which was designed to be mobile.

A space implies set boundaries, which invites people to spend time within it. The more you spend time in a place, the more you develop awareness, familiarity and comfort with your surroundings. 

A mobile space needs to be easily put up and taken down, encouraging collaboration between people with different skills. This mobility encourages temporality, and the desire to change spaces and contexts. 

The mobile space I have designed is transformed by the environment it’s placed in, allowing for a wider range of interactions and data collection to take place.


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POUCHES, LISTENING DEVICE and MAP function as engagement and probing tools. Leveraging off of the 5 senses (in this case 4), these tools prompt people to explore water through sight, taste, touch, and hearing.

Click for more info about each tool:

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